As millions of drivers prepare to hit the highway for this Labor Day weekend, defensive driving is critical. Whether your holiday plans include a road trip or a short drive to a friends home for a party, drinking and driving can substantially increase the chances you will be involved in an accident.

The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that 368 traffic fatalities and an additional 19,900 nonfatal disabling injuries will occur between Friday and Monday, Sept. 6. Officials are encouraging drivers to be alert.

Making smart decisions could be the difference between a relaxing long weekend and one spent in the emergency room, said Deborah A.P. Hersman, president and CEO of the National Safety Council.

Driver sober, or get pulled over

According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, each year on average, more than 10,000 people die on the road due to drunk driving( As a result, local law enforcement will be out across the state and there is zero tolerance for impaired drivers. It is part of the statewide End DUI campaign and Tulsa police will conduct a DUI checkpoint downtown Saturday night.

Our firm wishes a happy and safe Labor Day to everyone traveling throughout Tulsa this weekend!

Beware of rear-end collisions(, which are commonplace in work zones and caused primarily by following other vehicles too closely. All drivers are encouraged to allow sufficient time to reach their destination and to bring their patience along for the ride.

Remember, the following behaviors are likely to increase your odds of being in or causing an auto collision:

  • Eating and/or drinking while driving
  • Using a hands-free device
  • Using a smartphone or tablet while driving

Keeping these tips in mind can mean the difference between a fun holiday and a tragic one. Do your part to watch for trucks and protect the ones you love.