When it comes to finding a personal injury lawyer, many local law firms will offer a free first-time consultation or free case evaluation. But what exactly does that mean? Many first-time clients have never utilized legal services before, and they typically don’t know what to expect at these case evaluations and consultations. At The Edwards Furlong Law Firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we give prospective clients a free evaluation for their potential personal injury cases, so we wanted to provide a breakdown of what that process typically looks like. We will fight tirelessly for the justice you deserve as a victim of injury — contact us today for your free case evaluation.

Here are some main questions we get of what to expect from a personal injury lawyer at our evaluation.

What Will We Go Over?

During our free case evaluation, our goal is to help you understand your legal options and decide if a personal injury lawyer could help you receive proper compensation for your injuries and medical bills. You’ll likely talk to a representative from our firm, and we’ll go over some basic information about you and your situation. We encourage you to ask us anything you are legally confused about and to not feel intimidated about describing your particular circumstances.

After we go over everything and clear up any questions you have about your personal injury matter, we’ll come up with a strategy or plan that will determine how we can help resolve your issue, if applicable. From there, you can decide if you want to continue services with us, as legal issues are complicated and require more than one session with a personal injury lawyer.

Is Our Conversation Confidential?

For the most part, yes. All clients, even first-time ones, have right to attorney-client privilege, but there is one exception. If you disclose that you are going to commit a violent crime toward another human being, we are required to take action.

What Do I Need To Bring?

We ask that you bring any information or notes you have about your incident of injury — specifically, any relevant names, dates, letters or demands. Here are some other items that you can bring along to help us get a better understanding of how to help you in your situation:

  • Photographs
  • Medical bills
  • Insurance company settlement offers
  • Settlement offers from the person who is at fault

Basically, the more information you can provide us as proof for your case, the better we can find the best course of action to help you.

Schedule Your Free Case Evaluation Today

At The Edwards Furlong Law Firm, our team of Tulsa personal injury lawyers specialize in a variety of practice areas, ranging from auto accidents to birth injuries to wrongful deaths. We fight for the rights of those who have been injured at no fault of their own, and we’ve won millions in compensation for our clients.

For more information or to schedule your free case evaluation today, call us at (918) 221-0516 or at our toll-free number at (888) 600-9836 during business hours. You can also fill out our online form.