More than one out of four cases of serious nursing home abuse is not reported to police, despite federal and state laws that mandate law enforcement be immediately contacted about these cases. The alarming revelation was reported in a preliminary alert on Aug. 24 by...
Bedsores are painful pressure ulcers that form on the body during prolonged periods of inactivity and may result in painful medical complications if left untreated. Nursing home residents who are left in an immobile state often suffer bedsores. Approximately one out...
A collision between a passenger vehicle and a large commercial truck can result in horrific injuries that may be permanent or fatal. In 2014, truck accidents involving passenger vehicles resulted in 111,000 injuries and 3,903 deaths, representing a 17 percent increase...
It is never easy to place a loved one in a nursing home or assisted living facility. But when your loved one is struggling with dementia and can no longer care for himself or herself, you may need to take action. Unfortunately, nursing home residents suffering from...
Nursing home abuse is typically thought of as physical or mental abuse. However, many elderly people and residents of nursing homes are often subjected to financial abuse as well. Nursing home abuse in Tulsa is unfortunately very common and victims are often afraid or...