Signs of Abuse in a Nursing Home

When you put a loved one in a nursing home, you only have their best intentions in mind. More often than not, it’s when your loved one is in need of additional medical attention and assistance that you turn to this means of care, so the last thing that crosses your...

How Bedsores Can Be A Sign Of Nursing Home Abuse

If you have a loved one in a nursing home, you want to know that they are being taken care of and that they’re in good, safe hands. Nursing home abuse is often the last thing that crosses our minds when it comes to the care of our loved ones, but it’s more common than...

What Can A Wrongful Death Lawyer Help You Receive Compensation For?

Dealing with a death of a loved one is never easy, but it’s especially difficult if the death was unexpected and premature. Filing for a wrongful death claim is the best way to seek closure through justice. But, unless you’ve previously dealt with a wrongful death...

What Constitutes A Wrongful Death Case?

It’s never easy to lose someone you love, but it’s especially difficult when you lose that person due to the recklessness or negligence of another individual, establishment or entity. No one should have to deal with the suffering of losing a loved one when it could...

Investigation Finds Serious Nursing Home Abuse is Underreported

More than one out of four cases of serious nursing home abuse is not reported to police, despite federal and state laws that mandate law enforcement be immediately contacted about these cases. The alarming revelation was reported in a preliminary alert on Aug. 24 by...